In the ever-evolving landscape of gender equality, Generation Z, born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, stands as a transformative force. With a unique perspective shaped by a changing world, this generation is redefining traditional norms, challenging inequalities, and advocating for a more inclusive and equitable society. This article explores how Generation Z is reshaping the gender equality movement and driving change on multiple fronts.

Men and women black characters on blue and pink circles

The Journey to Gender Equality

Before getting into the impact of Generation Z, it’s essential to understand the broader context of gender equality. Gender equality is a fundamental principle that advocates for equal rights, opportunities, and treatment of all individuals, regardless of their gender identity. The pursuit of gender equality has been a long and ongoing journey, with significant progress made in recent decades. However, persistent gender disparities continue to prevail, and there is a lot of work left to be done.

Challenging Gender Norms

Generation Z, also known as Gen Z, is the first generation to grow up in a digital age, characterized by smartphones, social media, and constant connectivity. This generation is marked by its diversity, inclusivity, and progressive values, making it a driving force behind transformative social and cultural change. One of the most striking features of Generation Z is its rejection of traditional gender norms. Gen Z individuals are more likely to identify as non-binary, genderqueer, or transgender, challenging the binary understanding of gender. Their commitment to recognizing and respecting diverse gender identities is paving the way for a more inclusive society where all individuals can express themselves authentically.

Paper cutouts of men and women figures

Gender Equality and Activism

Generation Z is exceptionally engaged in gender equality activism. They are at the forefront of movements such as #MeToo and #TimesUp, advocating for an end to sexual harassment, gender-based violence, and workplace discrimination. Their social media campaigns, persistent beliefs regarding feminism, protests, and online petitions have ignited global conversations about the treatment of women and marginalized genders.

Inclusivity and Intersectionality

Gen Z’s approach to gender equality goes beyond gender alone; it incorporates intersectionality. They understand that gender inequality is compounded by factors such as race, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status. Gen Z is committed to addressing these intersections to ensure that the fight for gender equality is inclusive and holistic. The information age has provided Gen Z with easy access to a wealth of information. They are more educated and aware of gender-related issues than any previous generation. Gen Z individuals actively seek out knowledge and engage in conversations that challenge biases and stereotypes. Their educational efforts are crucial in dismantling systemic inequalities.

A dictionary definition of equality that is slightly blurred

Generation Z is actively promoting a culture of consent. They advocate for clear and enthusiastic consent in all relationships, emphasizing that consent is a fundamental aspect of sexual and interpersonal relationships. Their efforts are transforming societal attitudes towards consent, leading to healthier and more respectful interactions.

Support for Reproductive Rights

Gen Z is a vocal advocate for reproductive rights, including access to contraception and safe and legal abortion. They fight for the autonomy of individuals over their bodies and reproductive choices, challenging restrictive policies and advocating for comprehensive sex education.

A man and a woman both carrying a ladder together

Feminism and Allyship

Gen Z’s commitment to feminism is strong, with many young men identifying as feminists and advocating for gender equality. They understand that the fight for gender equality benefits everyone and actively engage in allyship to uplift women and marginalized genders. This leads to a better and more dynamic future for all genders working together to achieve common goals.

The Workplace Revolution

In the workplace, Gen Z is pushing for greater gender equality. They demand equal pay for equal work and advocate for more inclusive hiring and promotion practices. Their technological savvy allows them to highlight workplace disparities and champion change through digital platforms. They are not fearful to speak their minds on this topic to higher up members in the workplace, and will openly be transparent with others about their pay. This allows for everyone to be on an even playing field and to understand what they truly deserve to be making in the workplace for the job duties they perform.

An aesthetic image of a cartoon computer on a desk with the June 2022 calendar on it

Online Activism

Social media is a powerful tool for Gen Z’s activism. They use platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok to share stories, raise awareness, and mobilize supporters. These digital movements have garnered global attention, demonstrating the potential for change that comes with online activism. Consistently, what is seen on TikTok is picked up by the news days or weeks later. The social media platforms spreads information quickly and is a great way to get people in this generation and above and below them to understand topics such as gender equality in a simpler and oftentimes more humorous and entertaining way. Gen Z frequently utilizes these platforms to get their point across.

Mental Health and Self-Care

Gen Z recognizes the importance of mental health and self-care, particularly in the context of gender equality. They are unafraid to seek help and support, encouraging open conversations about mental health, trauma, and self-care within the gender equality movement. This is important because gender equality impacts so many, and people were often afraid to speak up, or to seek support when needed. Gen Z understands how vital it is to use resources like therapy and mental-health days to understand how they are being impacted by gender equality differences, and what they can do to take action and encourage a more equitable environment for all, regardless of gender.

A blue equal sign keyboard piece zoomed in closely


Generation Z is at the forefront of the gender equality movement, reshaping societal norms, challenging inequalities, and advocating for a more inclusive and equitable world. Their commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and intersectionality is driving transformative change in various aspects of society. As Gen Z continues to evolve and lead, the future of gender equality appears brighter, with opportunities for a more just and equal world for all. It is essential to support and amplify their efforts as they strive to create a more equitable and inclusive society for everyone.